Read This First

Welcome to this series of Awareness Through Movement lessons which have been selected specially for dancers, but are truly useful for anyone. Before you get started please read the following information so that you can get the maximum benefit from these lessons.

  1. Be comfortable: Before yo start prepare your space so that you will be comfortable while doing the lessons. That includes lying on a padded carpeted surface or an exercise mat, as well as wearing comfortable clothes which are not restricting.

  2. If while lying on your back you find your head tilting backwards you might want to put something under your head so that your nose is pointed straight towards the ceiling. This could include a paperback book or the kneeling pads one uses while gardening - just something firm but not too hard.

  3. While doing the lesson GO SLOW. Don’t rush, but take your time with each movement. Even as you repeat the movement a number of times, don’t speed up. The slower the better.

  4. As you do each movement, DON’T STRAIN OR EVEN STRETCH. Keep the movements in the easiest range possible, as this will allow your nervous system the opportunity to learn new movement possibilities.

I know for many of us, especially us dancers, the idea of going slowly and only moving in a small range of motion is challenging - we are so often encouraged to go faster and bigger - but, if you apply these strategies I guarantee you’ll find greater benefit from these lessons.


Daniel Burkholder